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Cook County Criminal Court

A Guide to Cook County Criminal Court Records


Cook County, Illinois, has one of the largest unified court systems in the United States, and the world. This system includes a multitude of courts that handle different types of criminal cases. In this guide, we will discuss the various courts that hear criminal cases We will also look at the most common types of criminal cases, and explain how to look up Cook County criminal court cases online.


Overview of Cook County Criminal Courts


The majority of criminal cases heard in Cook County are heard by the Circuit Court. The Criminal Division of this judicial division handles felony criminal cases, and serious misdemeanors, while other divisions handle misdemeanors, traffic violations, and juvenile cases. Here is a breakdown of the various divisions:


Felony Courts: The felony division handles serious criminal cases, including murder, robbery, grand theft, aggravated assault, sexual assault, and drug trafficking. This courthouse is located in the Leighton Courthouse in Chicago. Felony cases can result in significant penalties and prison time.


Misdemeanor Courts: The Misdemeanor division handles less serious criminal cases, such as petty theft, simple assault, vandalism, disorderly conduct, and minor drug offenses. These courts are located in various courthouses throughout the county. Misdemeanor cases typically result in shorter jail sentences, fines, reparations or community service.


Traffic Courts: The traffic division handle cases involving traffic violations, such as speeding, reckless driving, and driving under the influence (DUIs). These courthouses are also located throughout the county. Traffic violations can result in fines, license suspensions, or even jail time for serious violations, especially DUIs that result in personal injury.


Juvenile Courts: The juvenile division handles cases involving minors that are under the age of 18 that are accused of committing a crime. These courthouses focus on rehabilitation rather for the most part, rather than punishment and try to help young offenders get back on the right track.


Criminal Court Records


How to Run a Cook County Criminal Court Case Lookup


Running a criminal court case lookup in Cook County Illinois is relatively simple as long as you have a few pieces of information. You can lookup criminal case records by case number, or the full names of the parties involved. Then using the Clerk of the Court's website, or third party resources, you can track down the records you are looking for. These records will include court case proceedings, criminal convictions, sentencings and incarceration records if applicable. You can request to lookup active warrants, dockets, and any other relevant case information. If you need official copies of any records then you will want to obtain these from the Circuit Courthouse Clerk's office.


Common Criminal Cases in Cook County Illinois


There is a wide range of criminal cases heard in this county, but some types are more common than others. Here are the most frequently encountered criminal cases in this county:


Drug Offenses: These are by far the most common criminal cases in the county, as well as the entire state of Illinois. These cases can range from possession of small amounts of illegal drugs to large-scale drug trafficking operations. Penalties for drug offenses vary depending on the type and amount of drugs involved, as well as the defendant's criminal history.


Theft, Burglary, and Robbery: Theft and burglary cases are also relatively common crimes in this county. Theft is defined by taking someone else's property without their permission, while burglary involves breaking into a building with the intent to commit a crime. Where robbery is theft with violence, or the threat of violence, usually with a weapon. Penalties for these offenses can include fines, restitution, and prison time.


Assault and Battery: Assault and battery cases involve causing physical harm or the threat of harming another person. These cases can range from simple assaults, such as pushing or shoving, to more serious offenses involving weapons or very serious injuries. Penalties can include prison time, fines, and mandatory anger management classes.


Domestic Violence: Domestic violence cases involve violence or threats of violence, usually between family members, partners, or house-mates. These cases are taken very seriously, and the penalties reflect this. Convictions can include jail or prison time, restraining orders, and mandatory counseling.


DUI and Traffic Violations Driving under the influence (DUI) and other traffic violations are very common. DUI cases involve operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, while other traffic violations can include speeding, reckless driving, distracted driving and red light violations. The respective penalties range quite a bit for these offenses, from fines and license suspensions to possible jail time for DUIs.


How Can I Get a Copy of a Cook County Criminal Court Record?


There are a couple of options to accessing criminal court case records. First, you can use the Clerk of the Courts website to make your request for official records. This is a good option if you need official documentation or transcripts of a specific case. Another option is to use a third party public records website that specializes in criminal records. These resources are convenient with quick results. However, these resources are primarily intended for reference and research purposes, and not intended for official uses.